All About The Causes Of Periodontal Diseases And How To Prevent Them

Every individual will be concerned to see any of their body parts bleed. However, when it comes to gums, they seem to find it normal when they bleed during brushing for flossing.

Well, if you too think this is normal, you couldn’t be more wrong. Bleeding gums are a clear sign that your gums are infected with some sort of bacteria. If you pay no attention to this, the infection will spread rapidly. Furthermore, it can destroy the basic structure that supports your teeth, and as a result of which your teeth will eventually become loose and need extraction.

What is periodontal disease?

‘Peri’ stands for around, and ‘odontal’ means teeth. So, periodontal diseases are infections that attack the structure of your teeth. This includes everything, your gums, roots, ligament, and alveolar bone. Nevertheless, in the early stage, every periodontal disease affects the gums, and if no treatment is taken, it eventually affects all the supporting tissues.

Causes of Periodontal Disease

For many years, researchers have been trying to find out what is the exact periodontitis causes. Fortunately, now you know that the bacteria in dental plaque are the main culprit.

Plaque is the sticky substance that forms on your teeth soon after you have brushed. The thing is to fight bacteria our immune system cells release substances that damage the gums. As a result of which, individual experiences swollen and bleeding gums.

What can be done to prevent periodontal diseases?

Fortunately, it is very easy to prevent periodontal diseases, and all you need to do is maintain good oral hygiene and see your dentist regularly. Ideally, it is recommended that you visit your dentist once every 6 months. However, if you have existing gum diseases, you may need to visit more frequently.

When proper brushing and flossing are done daily, it is possible to remove most of the plaque from the teeth. Also, professional and thorough cleanings done by dentists will help in keeping plaque buildup under control.

Then again, if proper oral hygiene is not maintained plaque buildup will become inevitable. Eventually, it will spread below the gum line where your toothbrush can’t reach them. Next, gum inflammation will be experienced in no time.

To summarize it can be said that regular follow-up appointments are extremely important to ensure that periodontal diseases are kept at bay. After all, this is the only way to ensure that the disease does not occur or re-occur, and cause damage to the gums and the supporting bone structure.

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