Why Full Mouth Restoration May Be Necessary!

Complete mouth restoration, as the name implies, entails a number of procedures, all of which aim to repair the teeth in both the lower and upper jaws. This multifaceted treatment, which also goes by whole mouth reconstruction and rehabilitation, begins with an oral examination.

Your dental professional can precisely determine what has to be done about your gums, teeth, and jaws thanks to this thorough examination. From that, your dentist can design a customized treatment plan for you, ensuring you get the attention you require for a better smile.

The following common procedures are a part of whole mouth restoration:

  • Implant Dentistry
  • tooth bridges
  • tooth crowns
  • Dentures
  • Extractions of teeth after scaling and root planning
  • Colored Fillings for Teeth
  • TMJ Therapy

Dentists may take into account reconstruction if you:

  • Toothlessness

Aside from aesthetic issues, missing teeth can cause problems with biting, tooth movement, and even jawbone damage. These oral health effects obviously vary depending on the number of teeth that are missing, but the idea is still valid: replacing teeth benefits your mouth.

Your dentists can suggest a few options to close gaps. Among them are dental implants. In order to increase stability, titanium pegs called implants are surgically inserted into the jawbone. The metal posts are covered with dental crowns that are the same color as your existing teeth, giving them the appearance and functionality of real teeth.

  • Broken or Damaged Teeth 

Accidents sometimes happen; sadly, your teeth do not always come out in good shape. It is typical for teeth to be significantly cracked, shattered, or worn down even when they are not forced out of position.

  • A misaligned jaw or set of teeth

Have you had persistent pain in your jaw, muscles, or head? You might have an improperly positioned bite. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) may potentially be bothering you.

  • Unsound Gums

Your mouth might suffer greatly from gum disease. Deep-seated decay can cause tooth and bone loss if it is not treated appropriately. Our dentists will execute the scaling and root planing technique to aid in managing periodontitis that is in a more advanced state.

To eliminate plaque and tartar that have been left behind, scaling and root planing is needed to make it spotless both above and beneath the gum line. During the operation, the teeth’s roots are also smoothed to aid in the gums’ ability to reattach to the teeth.

Speak to a dentist! 

Your dentist can assist you in understanding whether you may need a mouth restoration. Therefore, speak to a reliable dentist as soon as possible!

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